"Know thy self as Divine"
The Foundation for Divine Love
A Non Profit Organization

Spiritual Healing
Wellness on all levels
Ananda Mayi works with the spiritual and emotional issues involved in your health. Resolving these underlining issues is a tremendous help in optimum health.
The benefits of resolution of Health Karma, and soul retrieval work , as well the laying on of hands and many other spiritual healing modalities is important to true health.
stress rlelief
better health
better future health
Freedom from Karmic issues
oneness with spirit
authentic self
Freedom form blocks
trauma issues resolved
old wounds resolved
emotional balance
deep understanding of Self
anger issues resolves
better sleep
more energy
many other benefits
Holistic health means body mind and spirit. Ananda works with the Grace of the Divine Mother to shift illness and old wounds, work with trauma and spiritual growth.
Much illness just falls away as the spiritual aspect of your health is worked with and resolved through Grace.
This is very powerful work and those that choose to work on all levels brings balance to your life.
Ananda Mayi
Transpersonal Psycholgist
Spiritual Healer
Hands on healing
Shamanic Journeying
Karmic resolution
Holistic Practitioner
Foundation for Divine Love
all by donation