Bliss Bliss is our True nature. Bliss is the perfume of the Divine. This Bliss is Shakti or Divine energy being awakened within. Bliss is...
Enlightenment is a vast subject that I will just touch upon. This is a holy state of Grace which brings much spiritual wisdom and power...
True Healing
Healing is Letting go of what causes you pain. Forgiving yourself for all, and forgiving all others. Praying for world peace. Becoming...
Spiritual Life
Spiritual Living Many believe rather unconsciously that the reality they see in in front of them is the Truth. They go about living their...
Being and Oneness
Being It is important just to Be, for our own wellbeing. When you can breathe deeply and just Be, one can see clearly what needs to be...
Fear and Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness If there is an opposite of Love, it is fear. Many are born afraid, from past lifetimes, and continue the pattern in this...
Karma and Forgiveness
There are many forms of karma, some can be mitigated, some have to be lived. One way to lessen your karma is to forgive those you believe...
Universal Truth
Truth Truth is a different vibration than Love, yet just as high. Truth is one's True Nature and everything that leads you there. Say you...
Benefits of Faith
Faith Faith is not a spiritual concept, it is a precept. Without faith one cannot even begin the spiritual journey. You are giving...
Truth on the Path of Love
Truth Spiritual Truth is of a much higher vibration than that of the worlds . We have trouble here, because many are lost. They are...